Friday, February 20, 2009


It goes without saying that many questions will be raised about biblical passages in Risey YEMBELE’s “TALITAKOUMI!”. It is simple, first of all, he believes to be God's creature, second, he has to worship his Creator and third bring his fellows to the ultimate truth. Risey YEMBELE is one of the promoters of Jesus Christ's Universal Church; the inner temple. Indeed Jesus Christ's temple is not Man made. There is no way this tangible truth should be discarded or buried for Man's selfish interest. Jesus is neither a brick layer nor a mason; he does not build any temple with sandstones, stones, bricks, sand, wood or cement. The temple he embarks on building is an inner church that prepares all his followers to inherit eternal life in the Kingdom of God. Jesus ' teachings aim at bringing all individuals to love one another and live together as one, to improve Man's inner temple especially the heart that is the core in the choice between good and bad. The temple of God starts from the seed planted in the heart to the yield of the Holy Spirit’s fruit and that paves the way to the glorious immensities of eternal life. "Love one another as I have loved you"! Why then the Catholic Church, the Protestant Church, the Assemblies of God, the Army Salvation, the Jehovah Witnesses etc.? Why not the Church of Jesus Christ? Remember God is not "divided", it is satan who is "divided". If you are divided, then you know to whom Jesus will address when the last judgement comes. It is for sure, he will say: "I don't know you, get out of my sight"! The Church of Jesus is any individual with a heart imbued with saintliness who behaves according to his holy word. The church involved here is spiritual and universal, and not physical as many people think. For this reason, never ask me to join your church, I will never join a divided body. Indeed, eyes, feet, arms, teeth etc. are all parts of the human body. The Body needs them to function in perfect harmony. And all followers of Jesus must be one in Him.